As I have mentioned before, I love my home freeze dryer! It's saved me countless times from tossing out valuable leftovers. Ever the budget-conscience saver, I hate to waste food so being able to save a meal for another day without taking up precious freezer space is right up my alley.
Home freeze-drying offers the perfect solution. We love having these meals on camping trips and they've saved the day a time or two, for quick and easy homemade dinners. Try out 5 of our favorite recipes!
Comfy-Cozy Slow Cooker Chili
This easy slow cooker chili uses simple pantry staples to create a rich and hearty comfy-cozy
flavor that warms the soul.

Dirty Jambalaya with Venison Sausage
Spicy. Southern. Classic. Affordable. This one-pot meal is full of bold Cajun flavors!

Five Cheese & Italian Sausage Baked Penne
This mouthwatering recipe comes together quickly and is packed with five flavorful cheeses,
delicious Italian sausage, and affordable pantry staples.

Homemade Vegetable Beef Soup
This cozy homemade soup offers nutritious vegetables and delicious ground beef in a rich and savory broth.

Loaded Hashbrown Casserole
Savory, crispy bacon, ooey-gooey cheddar cheese, and freshly grated potatoes make this simple casserole sing!

Freeze-Drying & Reconstitution Directions:
For these recipes, you'll want to load each of your freezer dryer trays about ¼” from the top rim of the tray ensuring that food on each tray is evenly distributed and spread out. You don't want to overpack your trays or go over the rim of the tray.
Following your manufacturer’s instructions, freeze dry until each tray is completely dried. Each recipe takes about 18-24 hours to completely dry in my medium-sized Harvest Right freeze dryer. Once the food is completely dried, carefully remove from the trays and add to mylar bags. We like to store our filled bags in a food-safe 5-gallon bucket in a temperature-controlled environment.
When ready to eat, slowly add water until you have reached your desired consistency and heat through.
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